Outdoors lifestyle fashion portrait stunning young girl enjoying on swing on the tropical island. In the background the sea. Wearing stylish blue dress, bracelets. Straight long hair and nude make up

  • background, beach, beauty, blue, body, brown, calm, caucasian, dreaming, dress, enjoying, fashion, fit, flowers, girl, glamour, hair, hairstyle, happy, holiday, hot, legs, life, lifestyle, long, make, makeup, model, natural, nature, outside, pattern, portrait, posing, relax, sea, seawater, sexy, skin, slim, smiling, spring, straight, style, stylish, summer, swing, swinging, tanned, thick, tropical, up, vacation, woman, yacht, young
  • ID: 410852443
  • Model: 18657961
  • 5530 x 3686 pixels