A closeup of the lock of a jail cell with iron bars and a bunch of key in the locking mechanism with the door open

  • apprehend, arrested, bars, brick, bunch, cell, collection, convict, conviction, corrections, crime, criminal, discharge, discharged, door, empty, facility, felon, felony, free, hoop, imprison, incarcerate, inside, intern, iron, jail, key, lock, locked up, lockup, loop, metal, metallic, offense, old, open, prison, prison cell, reformatory, release, ring, set, steel, unlock, unlocked, correctional facility, detain, door key, holding cell, iron bars, jail cell, latchkey, lock up, put away, set free, take into custody
  • ID: 132574976
  • Published: 23Mar2013
  • 1800 x 1200 pixels